Return of the “Versatile Blogger Award”

So guys!

I am really overwhelmed with the “VB Award” I have received and not only because I received it thrice but because I received them within a day’s time:)


Really thankful to my friend for nominating me this time and I really appreciate your gesture for awarding me, as this is a way of expressing your love for my blog and my efforts.

This time, I have these friends to nominate for the award:

7 thoughts on “Return of the “Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. I didn’t realize that you had been given the Versatile Blogger award already three times Amreen! I guess this means my nomination will make it four times!

    Paulette Le Pore Motzko

    I am really elated that we met and have become friends and colleagues here.

    I was nominated for two more awards this afternoon by my friend Don Charisma for the Sunshine Award and The Peace of Mind awards.

    This is going to keep me busy answering questions and nominating people for awhile!

    Paulette Le Pore Motzko


      1. They are loved. Even if I was the only person in the world, your efforts are valued. Fortunately, I am not the only one reading your words, and you are painting rainbows with them!

        Look up the stats on your site per week, per month, etc. It will surprise you.

        Paulette Le Pore Motzko


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